Last week, we had to attend the funeral of a daughter of a family very near and dear to us. This family has been a very Godly example to me and my wife throughout our lives. This is also the second adult child they have lost in the past 3 years. The daughter was a former student of my wife that passed away far to early (age 39) from a relatively short battle with cancer. She left behind her husband and 5 young daughters.
I listened in admiration as her husband and father spoke boldly during the ceremony, demonstrating their great faith in Jesus as their Savior and the hope that lies in Him alone. Her husband read a letter he wrote to her telling of his joys and regrets. During the regrets segment, he mentioned how he wished he had “let loose of the purse strings and traveled more with the family”. This struck me particularly, being a travel agent, and it also made me reflect on my own life.
We are rapidly approaching the empty nest stage as we have one college graduate and two more currently in college. There are many destinations I would still like to travel with the kids. The window of opportunity is closing quickly and I’m trying to get in some of those last family trips. I know it’s impossible to get in everything I would like to do, but I’m trying to do what I can. Take time to set your priorities and redeem that time while you can. Those days will never return.